Informácie o inštitúcii British International School Bratislava s.r.o.
Britská medzinárodná škola s výukou v anglickom jazyku poskytujúca vzdelávanie pre deti už od predškolského veku.
Our School in Bratislava
The British International School Bratislava is a friendly, welcoming school that aims for high educational achievement in a supportive learning environment. The school offers a special educational experience where children learn beyond the classroom.
BISB seeks to prepare its students for their role in a challenging and rapidly changing world. We provide an environment that is nurturing, academically stimulating and internationally aware. Our students develop as confident, open-minded, respectful young people, inspired to become responsible and active global citizens.
Our commitment is to create and maintain a safe, happy and child-centred environment in which children are inspired to become purposeful life long learners. We provide an education based upon the English National Curriculum in an international context for pupils with a range of abilities.
S kým môžete prísť do kontaktu?
Súkromná spojená škola
British International School Bratislava
Site 1:
J. V. Dolinského 1
841 02 Bratislava, Slovakia
Tel: 00 421 2 6436 6992
Fax: 00 421 2 6436 4784
Site 2:
Pekníkova 6
841 02 Bratislava, Slovakia
Tel: 00 421 2 6930 7081 (2)
Fax: 00 421 2 6930 7083
Email: or